Krav Maga
IMI Krav Maga (Ne’emanei Imi)
Pronounced as "krahv mah-GAH" (/krɑːv məˈɡɑː/), the term originates from the Hebrew words 'krav' (קרב), meaning "combat," and 'maga' (מגע), meaning "contact," collectively translating to "hand-to-hand combat."
Krav Maga is a system of self-defence developed by the Israeli military post WWII and first taught to the public by Imi Lichtenfeld. It is not a combat sport but a simple and effective fighting system designed for self-protection and is intended to be practical and instinctive regardless of age, gender, or physical size.
Focused on real-world situations, Krav Maga amalgamates an array of effective techniques from various martial arts. These techniques are further refined under Imi Lichtenfeld's combat methodology to provide reality-based training aimed at neutralizing threats swiftly. The ultimate goal of the training is to equip individuals with the skills needed to survive violent encounters.
Established in 1987 in Israel, "Krav Maga Ne'emanei Imi" means "Krav Maga: Those who are faithful to Imi". Imi Lichtenfeld was the founder of Krav Maga, and Jim Keenan was a direct student of Imi's during the 1980's. Mr. Keenan became the first non-Jewish/non-Israeli to be promoted to black belt and granted a full teaching license in Krav Maga from Imi. Mr. Keenan was also the first established master from other arts to take Krav Maga seriously and help lend some legitimacy to it. Master Keenan was a confidant and peer of Imi and the man responsible for many of Krav Maga’s ‘trademark’ exercises such as the zombie drills.
In 1987, Mr. Keenan resumed his instructional work upon returning to the United States. His establishment, "Krav Maga Ne'emanei Imi," was not only the first of its kind to introduce Krav Maga in New England but also one of just four schools offering Krav Maga training in the United States at the time
The focus of our school is on reality based self-defense training based on principles and methods from Imi Lichtenfeld, associated physical fitness, and some material from the Conflict Management Institute in Israel (of which Imi Lichtenfeld was a charter member).
Since Imi’s death in 1998, and the availability of quick certification programs in some organizations, a student will find varying standards applied in different schools, often times finding fitness gyms or other martial arts studios wishing to bolster their commercial exposure with either an emphasis on “sport” Krav Maga or some hybrid version. In choosing a school, a perspective student should know in advance what they really want to learn, as there is an abundance of “Self-Defense” taught in the name of Krav Maga which no longer meets Imi’s standards.
Belts: White, Yellow, Orange, and Green
Students primary focus in this stage in on self-defense. Students learn how to defend and respond to common attacks scenarios and avoid situations with preventative and de-escalation methods while also developing their fighting skills
Belts: Green, Blue, and Brown
In order to advance to Graduate level, students must demonstrate proficiency in the Practitioner level curriculum. At Graduate level, there is more emphasis placed on fighting skills and more complex circumstances are addressed. Defenses against weapon threats and attacks are also addressed at this level.
Belts: Black
For Expert Level promotion the student must demonstrate proficiency within the entire curriculum, as well as the principles and methods that govern the system. The capacity to instruct has more significance at Expert Level, as promotion in this level is strongly weighted on the ability to pass on knowledge as well as refinement of personal skill. One does not develop into a certified teacher until the level of E3.
Beyond Expert level is the rank of Master. This rank is reserved only for those who have devoted a lifetime to training and have made significant impacts in the system
Do you spar or have elements of “sport” in your school?
No. We avoid any practices which foster drawing out and prolonging conflicts and instead seek immediate resolution.
We have other pressure and intensity drills which substitute for play fighting.
Is this an exercise class?
No. While exercise and general fitness are advised, class focus is on working through the techniques and principles within the Krav Maga system.
How long will it take me to become a black belt?
While a ranking and grading system exist within our organization to aid in facilitating students through the system, the attainment of self-defense and combative skills is always the preeminent goal. With this, as well as rank, you will get out of it what you put into it.