Movement in Baguazhang

Tracing the Circle – Weekly Meditations on the Practice

“Movement in Baguazhang”

Although there are numerous variations of method and expression in Chinese Internal Boxing, the art of Baguazhang in particular is identified with movement.

The classics instruct – 'baguazhang zou wei xian' – (lit., "baguazhang walk is first"). In other words, in the practice of Baguazhang, movement – as in traveling, stepping around, moving the body – is the pre-eminent characteristic.

Depending on how one enters into the practice, this essential point can be accidentally misinterpreted as "walking the circle is the first thing a student must do”, or taken to imply that walking the circle is the primary activity of Baguazhang.

Given that Baguazhang specializes in multiple person engagement, movement – especially movement developing into random patterns – is an essential practice necessary for managing a violent encounter with multiple opponents of high skill.

Joseph Estee